Fusion Gym – RockFit
PC – Squat Clean
AB: Fusion gym (No Measure)
Focuses on posture, breathing, stability, flexibility, isometric strength.
C1: Mobility clean (No Measure)
Static and dynamic posture
C2: Power Clean (1X5X+ build up to 10′)
C3: Squat Clean (1X3X+ Build up to 10′)
C4: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 4′ Rx50/35 Sc40/25
1 Squat clean
2 Power clean
D: Rockfit 151124 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
– 5 hollow rock
– 7 knee hug
– 9 T2B/K2C