Rockfit 041115

Fusion Gym – RockFit

Shoulders strenght…

AB: Fusion gym (No Measure)

Focuses on posture, breathing, stability, flexibility, isometric strength.

C1: Mobility shoulders (No Measure)

Static and dynamic posture

C2: Shoulder Press (3x5x70% 3x3x80% 3x2x90% 3x1x95%)

C3: Push Press (3x8x95% 3x5x115% 3x3x120% 3x2x130% 3x1x140% of C2)

C4: Rockfit Gym sequence 2 (No Measure)

EMOM 3R 11’45”

– Plank 60″

– mountain 45″

– Knee lift 45″

– Flight (Hollow on hips) 45″

D: Rockfit 151104 (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 6′ Rx24/16 Sc20/12

– 3′ of Reverse Lunges w/KB

– 3′ of KL – K2C – T2B

Posted in Rockfit WODS.

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